We love our supporters!

We love our supporters!

We love to celebrate when people come together and help us make people’s lives better! Students from Carlisle High School, employees from Sycamore Hospital and a bunch of holiday angels all put together holiday gift bags and brought joy to our clients this holiday season!

For the past couple of years, great grandmother Helen Reese took it upon herself to spearhead the drive to fill these gift bags. After Helen’s recent passing, her great granddaughter Hannah gathered her friends from Carlisle High School and collected items for the gift bags, in tribute to her great grandmother.
Along with them, another friend our ours, Renee Sarber, Helen’s granddaughter, brought together her friends who work with her at Sycamore Hospital to add goodies to our gift bags.

A third group to help fill our gift bags are parishioners from Faith and Mighty Fortress Lutheran Churches. For nearly 10 years, these churches have worked hard every fall, gathering items that fill our gift bags and put a smile on everyone’s face! Donna Morgan, from Mighty Fortress, was here for our party and handed out the gift bags!

We are always grateful to our supporters, who
are so vital to making our programs a success!