Picture Week at We Care Arts

We Care Arts is dedicated to improving the lives of our artist-clients. One of the ways that we show our appreciation for our artist-clients is by hosting an annual picture day. This event is not just about taking photos for marketing materials, but it is also about showing our clients that they are important to us as individuals.

Picture day is a day where our artist-clients get to take a moment from creating art to have their picture taken. The pictures are then used in various marketing materials, such as our website and brochures. But the day is not just about taking photos for marketing purposes. It is also about creating a fun and memorable experience for our clients. Along with getting their picture taken they are asked to complete a series of questions to form a short bio so we can share their stories with the community.

We believe that every one of our clients is unique and special in their own way, and we want them to know that. Picture day is our way of showing them that we care about them as individuals.

In addition to the fun and excitement of picture day, the photos also serve a practical purpose. They are used for identification on our clients’ profiles, which helps us better serve them. By having a photo on file, we can ensure that our clients receive the appropriate services and accommodations that they need.

Top row: , Ruth S., Kelcy P.,Katie T.

Middle row: Grace M., Jenni R., John D.

Bottom row: Byron S.,Austin R., Aleisha C.

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