Art Exhibit Celebrating Autism and Mental Health Awareness Months

This April and May, in celebration of Autism Acceptance and Mental Health Months, Fairfield Commons Mall is proudly hosting an art exhibit featuring the inspiring works of artist-clients from We Care Arts. This initiative not only sheds light on the profound talents of individuals with autism and mental health conditions but also aims to foster a community of inclusivity and support.

The artists behind the showcased pieces have channeled their experiences, emotions, and perceptions into beautiful visual narratives. Each artwork tells a unique story, inviting viewers to look beyond the canvas and perceive the world through the artists’ eyes.

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The art exhibit at Fairfield Commons Mall is more than just a display of artistic achievement; it is a heartfelt celebration of diversity, strength, and the human spirit. By featuring the works of We Care Arts’ artist-clients, the mall not only honors Autism and Mental Health Awareness Months but also contributes to a much-needed dialogue on acceptance and compassion.

If you would like to make a donation on behalf of Autism and Mental Health Awareness Months to support programming at We Care Arts, go to Your support and encouragement is greatly appreciated.

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