5 Tips to a Positive Attitude

Have you wondered what factors can best contribute to having a positive attitude? I have, and I have also learned so much from my life experiences as a person with multiple physical disabilities. I would like to take this opportunity to briefly share a little bit about myself and how having a positive attitude makes such a huge difference in my life.

Although there are many factors that lead to having and maintaining a positive attitude, I want to share 5 main tips for you to consider. This is a great way for us to come together to celebrate October as Positive Attitude Awareness Month!

Having a positive attitude
leads to success, both in your relationships and your work. We are able to perform better at work, in the community, and in our family life if we have a positive attitude. These tips can help:

1. You are in control – you are in control of your attitude, so do not let anyone else change your attitude in a negative way. Even if you are having a bad day, you can choose to remain positive.

2. You are accountable – Remember that you alone, are accountable for things in your work and in your life. Do not blame others for things that happen in your life.

3. Be optimistic – believe in yourself, your co-workers, your family, etc. If you are optimistic, others will follow your lead.

4. Be solution oriented – you will always have challenges in your life. With a positive attitude, you can come up with solutions to overcome those challenges.

5. Show gratitude – showing gratitude means seeing the good in other people, saying thank you, and showing your appreciation. This will make the other person feel great and help them to have a positive attitude, which will also make you feel good.

Despite my multiple physical disabilities, including hearing loss, vision loss, motor neuropathy and respiratory functioning, I have faced many challenges throughout my life which could have caused me to become negative and bitter. However, I choose to always be as optimistic as possible. According to tip #3, I have definitely learned from this experience, that it is important to have confidence and stay positive, even if you are going through a difficult time. As a result, people will be encouraged to follow you and do the same.

Even though my health was on a rapid downhill regression during high school and college, I was determined to achieve my goals, receive my high school diploma and a Bachelor’s Degree in Rehabilitation Services. After graduating from college, I began the next chapter in my life by working as a Developmental Assistance, here at We Care Arts. This was a great experience working with clients and other with individuals who also value the importance of having a positive attitude. One important thing that I encourage you to keep in mind, based on what I have seen and experienced, is to never give up, as there is always a way to achieve your goals, live the best life possible, and set a good example for others.

Even though I know every one of us is different, I want you to know how important having faith is to me. I have definitely learned that if it is His will, He will make your prayers and desires happen, in His time.

So, how are you going to maintain a positive attitude today?

Take some time to consider this and how you can use these tips in your everyday life. Here are some photos of me and my experiences here at We Care Arts, as well as my amazing companion, my first service dog who is a Goldendoodle named Sparrow!